Can you believe a local teacher has been suspended after reports that he had students in his classes read an article about homosexuality in the animal kingdom. The teacher is said to have allowed students to read the article "The Gay Animal Kingdom" from the June issue of Seed Magazine, a science and culture publication.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Teacher suspended over 'gay animal' article
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Mini Pumpkin and Gourd Gift Basket
Monday, October 26, 2009
Album: Ocean Eyes [released]
You Would Not Believe Your Eyes
If Ten Million Fireflies
Lit Up The World As I Fell Asleep
Cause They Fill The Open Air
And Leave Teardrops Everywhere
You'd Think me Rude
But I Would Just Stand And stare
I'd Like To make Myself Believe That Planet earth Turns Slowly
It's Hard To Say That I'd Rather Stay Awake When I'm Asleep
Cause Everything Is Never As It Seems
Cause I'd Get A Thousand Hugs
From Ten Thousand Lightning Bugs
As They Tried To Teach Me How To Dance
A Foxtrot Above My head
A Sock hop Beneath My Bed
A Disco Ball Is Just hanging By A thread
I'd Like To make Myself Believe That Planet earth Turns Slowly
It's Hard To Say That I'd Rather Stay Awake When I'm Asleep
Cause Everything Is Never As It Seems
When I Fall Asleep
Leave My Door Open Just A crack
Please Take Me Away From Here
Cause I Feel Like Such An Insomniac
Please Take Me Away From Here
Why Do I Tire Of Counting Sheep
Please Take Me Away From Here
When I'm far Too Tired To Fall Asleep
To Ten Million Fireflies
I'm Weird Cause I Hate Goodbyes
I Got Misty Eyes As They Said Farewell
But I'll Know Where Several Are
If My Dreams Get Real Bizarre
Cause I Saved A Few And I Keep Them In A Jar
I'd Like To make Myself Believe That Planet earth Turns Slowly
It's Hard To Say That I'd Rather Stay Awake When I'm Asleep
Cause Everything Is Never As It Seems
When I Fall Asleep
I'd Like To make Myself Believe That Planet earth Turns Slowly
It's Hard To Say That I'd Rather Stay Awake When I'm Asleep
Cause Everything Is Never As It Seems
When I Fall Asleep
I'd Like To make Myself Believe That Planet earth Turns Slowly
It's Hard To Say I'd Rather Stay Awake When I'm Asleep
Because My Dreams Are Bursting At The Seams
My Autumn view out front
Last of the pumpkin harvest
Friday, October 23, 2009
Only in Japan: The Burger King Windows 7 Whopper
Only in Japan: The Burger King Windows 7 Whopper | csmonitor.comPosted using ShareThis
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Rihanna reveals new single, "Russian Roulette"
Rihanna reveals new single, 'Russian Roulette' | Pop & Hiss | Los Angeles Times
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Thursday, October 15, 2009
Is my stepmother an alien?
This post is about one of my Moms (yes, I have two). It's not what you think, LOL. Technically, I have a Mom and step mom, so this would be about my step mom. I don't like that word "step," especially, when it's about my Mama. I love both my Moms, but I am especially close to this one, whose name is Jean. She did so much for me during my teen age years and left a positive long lasting impact on my life.

Monday, October 12, 2009
Matthew Shepard - Never Forget
His two assailants, Russell Arthur Henderson and Aaron James McKinney, were convicted of the crime and imprisoned. Henderson is currently serving two consecutive life sentences and McKinney is serving the same but without the possibility of parole.
This is just awful... how could someone do this!? Matthew Shepard was KILLED because he was just a little different, because he was GAY. big woopdy freaking doo, that's NO reason to kill him! This is for you, Matthew, I'm sorry.
Schwarzenegger Signs Bill Honoring Gay Activist Harvey Milk
Schwarzenegger Signs Bill Honoring Gay Activist Harvey Milk -
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LOS ANGELES — In a surprise reversal of his veto of the same bill last year, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill late Sunday to set aside a day of recognition for Harvey Milk, the gay San Francisco politician who was assassinated in 1978...
(click the shared link above for the full article).
New Michael Jackson single debuts online
The Associated Press: New Michael Jackson single debuts online
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Gay rights marchers in D.C. pressure Obama
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Saturday, October 10, 2009
President Obama vows to end 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
Lady GaGa takes part in National Equality March
Lady GaGa, an avid supporter of gay rights, is calling on her fans to take action and lend their support to the Equality March. The march begins at noon eastern/1:00 central. “This march is a call to action for all people from all over the country to gather to march to be visible as one and to speak out and demand full equal rights for all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered citizens in all 50 states,” says Gaga. (andPop)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Illinois license fee set to triple
Illinois license fee set to triple - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Bet you can't top this PINK RIBBON for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Decorating for Fall
I mentioned in a previous post that Fall was one of my favorite seasons, and I had began decorating my home for the season. Well let me correct that and say that Fall is my favorite season. I love the many shades of Fall colors. I have a lot of fond childhood memories that took place in the Fall, like raking a big pile a leaves and my brothers and cousins and I jumping in them LOL!
Late Fall in beautiful Southern Illinois
McDonald's restaurants to open at the Louvre
McDonald's restaurants to open at the Louvre - Telegraph
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Sunday, October 4, 2009
Will YOUR Stimulus dollars be wasted in Obama and Durbin's home state?
REALLY high-speed rail a better option? - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register
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Pumpkins from our garden
Saturday, October 3, 2009
White Wedding
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Rambling Thoughts
Blame it on facebook! Or blame it on the rain, blame Canada (just kidding--love Canadians)! I didn't realize I hadn't posted anything in five days. Sorry! It's true that I have spent a lot of time on facebook, I can't really place blame on any one thing for not making a blog post until now. As you probably guessed, I have been busy! Oh yeah, if you ever read my "about me" info and wondered what "sometimes rambling thoughts" were, well now you know!