Marie was nice enough to autograph my cd insert! She's really sweet, hasn't let fame go to her head.

a·buzz: [uh-buhz]– full of or alive with activity, talk, etc
I wanted to share this email that I received today! It is one of those that get forwarded to everybody! Enjoy!
Illinois Christmas Song
author unknown
(To the tune of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen")
"Get packin', Rod Blagojevich;
the state's in disarray.
The Tribune wants you unemployed
at least by Christmas Day.
The TV pundits want your head.
Could there be pay to play?
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy,
Save Illinois!
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
Good riddance Rod Blagojevich.
Your Elvis look's insane.
The Senate's mad, so's Lisa's dad.
You drive us all insane.
Our transit's broke, the state's a joke,
the Tollway's one big pain.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy,
Save Illinois!
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
Good luck old Rod Blagojevich.
The feds have quite a place.
Fitzgerald's poked his nose around,
and if he has a case,
George Ryan's moving stuff around,
creating extra space.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy,
Save Illinois!
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
Here's one of my favorite pictures that I took last summer, while touring the gardens of the White House. This shows the west wing and part of the rose garden.
It's White House Week on C-SPAN. I especially enjoyed last night's "White House Tours by Presidents and First Ladies." Wednesday's episode is "The Gardens and Grounds," which I am looking forward to. These are very long programs, but very interesting to anyone interested in the White House. Click the title link for details on the week long documentary. If you miss it, a dvd is available for purchase.
Welcome! Thanks for visiting my blog! Even though I started it a long time ago, I am just now starting to get in to it. It's a work in progress.
I just added "Digitally Imported Radio" AND "World Webcams" (scroll down and look in the right column). The digital radio is awesome! The webcams refresh every 20 seconds, and you even get a chance to make them a screensaver with just one easy click! I love BLOGGER and all it's features. Hope you enjoy!
Oh no you di'nt say that about the Cubs! That's a good way to make lots of enemies in Chicago! But oh yes, she did:
"Hold up that [expletive] Cubs [expletive]," she is quoted as saying in the background as her husband talked on the phone, authorities alleged. "[Expletive] them."
Governor Blagojevich's wife Patti supported his pay-to-play Senate scheme, complaint alleges. Click the title link for the full story and photos of the Illinois First Lady.
Here is video of Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. today denying as an "impossibility" that he or anyone on his behalf offered payment to Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich in exchange for being named to fill Barack Obama's vacated U.S. Senate Seat. News sources have identified Jackson as "Senate Candidate No. 5" mentioned in the FBI affidavit unveiled yesterday against Blagojevich. No comment from me!
I heard on the news today that President-elect Obama has called for Governor Blagojevich to resign. Well, duh! I don't understand why he didn't do that yesterday. He was like a deer caught in headlights. Maybe he went home and Michelle slapped him and said "snap out of it" like Cher in Mermaids. Whatever the reason for the delay, I am just glad that he finally did it.
Names of others involved in the senate for sale scandal are coming out, like Jesse Jackson Jr. He denies any wrongdoing.
more later...must get back to work!
Well, well, well, is anyone in Illinois surprised? It's juicy, it's dirty, it's ten times worse than watergate. Just wait until all of his tape recorded arrogance is released! One example, from the FBI affidavit, "I have to give this motherf***er (pres-elect) his senator? F*** him. For nothing? F*** him." Another quote: "I'll pick another candidate before I just give f***ing (senate candidate) a f***ing senate seat and I don't get anything."
On behalf of my fellow Illinois citizens, I would like to say, F*** you, Blago! Resign now!
It's not just the selling of the senate seat that led to the FBI arresting the governor this morning. Click the title link for the complete news story.
I wrote recently that it was time for change in Illinois government, and it looks like that time is finally here! Hopefully, "pay to play" is over in Illinois (but don't count on it).