Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Durbin wants special election to replace Obama

Illinois senator Dick Durbin has just called for a special election to replace Obama. This does sound like a good idea, but unfortunately will cost taxpayers millions of dollars. What choice do we have? If Blagojevich resigns or is impeached, then our Lt. Governor Patrick Quinn will decide our next senator. Let me just say, Quinn is ALSO a long time Illinois politician (I'll just leave it at that).
Speaking of Durbin, he is probably serving his LAST term as senator, since he has recently stated that he might ask President Bush to commute the prison sentence of the corrupt and unrepentant former Republican Gov. George Ryan. Also in favor of a commutation is current democratic Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, who took office in 2002 with promises of putting an end to the government corruption that landed Ryan in prison. Only in Illinois...but the voters will remember Durbin's blunder.

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