Ricky Martin: I am a homosexual man -
Miami-Dade Breaking News
- MiamiHerald.com

a·buzz: [uh-buhz]– full of or alive with activity, talk, etc
Ricky Martin: I am a homosexual man -
Miami-Dade Breaking News
- MiamiHerald.com
Finally, I got my income taxes done! I told myself that I would not be blogging until I got that done. If you know me, then you know I am a procrastinator! I do my own taxes, and this year was a real bear. Ugh, I don't even want to go in to the details, but it was a stressful little mini-nightmare LOL! I am so used to not blogging now that I probably won't be blogging as much now! I will do what I can, but I must admit I spend a lot of time on Facebook and I share news links there, much like I have done here on the blog. I don't want to have a lot of duplicate content, you know?
It better be good. It must be good, because she has sure been very busy promoting "Kirstie Alley's Big Ass Life," which premieres on A&E this Sunday night. For the record, I LOVE Kirstie and am looking forward to watching her show! I know it won't be as funny as her 2005 Showtime series (now available on dvd) "Fat Actress," but I think it will still be very entertaining!
So here's the deally...
I will NOT be watching Celebrity Apprentice! Two good reasons: