I'm baaaack! And it didn't even take a swift kick is the butt to get me to blog again. I really did not mean to go for so long without posting to the blog! Time really does fly by. The more time that went by the harder it became to get back to posting.
I felt like I should give some reasons as to my unplanned hiatus. But I also realized that anything I said would just be an excuse. Don't you just hate excuses? I have many excuses though and will not bore you with them. I will give some explanation in the next few days. It all boils down to time management though!
I knew I should have taken that time management seminar, when I had the chance! Oh wait, I DID take it! That was many years ago though. I think I may have actually slept through much of that seminar though (boring)! During that time, my employer had a generous cafeteria benefit plan and paid for that seminar and many others that was considered educational and work related. Those seminar days were a nice change of pace and a good reason to get out of the office for a full day with pay and a decent free lunch..
What REALLY got me back in the saddle was seeing my blog as one of ten featured on As The Crackerhead Crumbles for the "A Sunday Drive" post.
I don't do meme/faux awards or tags anymore, but I didn't see this as a tag. I was under no obligation to do anything. I want to thank FishHawk over at As The Crackerhead Crumbles for making it easier to jump back in feet first. I am also looking forward to visiting the other blogs mentioned and encourage each of you to check them out with the links provided. Each blog is unique in it's own way and you may just find yourself following a new blog.
Author FishHawk says that back during his childhood, his parents would often load up his brother and him after Sunday morning church services for a leisurely drive around where they lived. Even though they were seeing mostly familiar sights, it was still good to see them, and this is why “A Sunday Drive” sounded about right for the name of a weekly series revisiting familiar sites that are well worth seeing again and again. As explained on his blog, the link below the image is to the site itself, and the image is linked to the post it was first included in here.
I also want to thank those of you who have emailed me to ask about my blogging absence. You have received a more personal and private response than will appear in the blog, because I always want to keep the blog positive, upbeat, interesting, funny, entertaining or something like that! And I hope you will leave a comment, when you get the chance! Thanks!
~ John

Hey, glad to see you are back too. I am trying to make at least a post a week. Thanks for the comment on my video.
I am planning on doing yet another review. I found the perfect product for the review. (something for bloggers)
Welcome back, John. Now you make me wish I had emailed you - so that I would get a more personal response too!! I just assumed you were busy, or bored with the blog. Anyway, I'm glad you are back. I am working a lot this week, but I'll try to find the time to check out the links.
Hi John, glad to see you!
Good to see "John Abuzz" back in action once again.
See you on facebook every so often, but always good to see new posts on your blog.
Hey, thanks for stopping by and especially for leaving a comment!
@Allen, Thanks! Looking forward to your next product review! Did you can get some free products for doing those kinds of reviews! You should check in to it.
@kenju, Thanks for the welcome mat! I know you are quite busy with Mother's Day week, so it really means a lot that you took time to read & plus comment! Don't work too hard.
@Cubby, glad to see you too! ty!
@Jim, my sports authority--how you doin? I need to visit your blog and stay informed on MLB! Yours is a good resource for that, well and other sports too. I'll be up to visit Hefty-Info too for the other interesting posts.
I'm glad your back too! Although I didn't know you were missing for awhile. LoL Do keep blogging though John. Your blog is good and entertaining and obvioulsy top notch (congrats on the new award btw).
You know I left the Blogger world but I'm having yearnings to re-invent myself (so Madonna like..yes?). I really miss it when i'm not doing it. And you'll probably feel the same if you leave too. It gets in the blood I think. LoL!
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