After my last post, I went outside my home and took four photos of the clouds. I had to put them in two different posts, because thick clouds made it almost impossible to upload the pics via my satellite internet connection (HughesNet).
These are the first two photos. I believe they are called storm "wall" clouds.
This photo above is facing south west and the line of clouds seems to be parallel with the new Interstate Highway 67. On the right edge you can see the green exit sign near my house.

In the above photo I panned more towards the north west. The line of clouds still appear to be passing over the new Interstate Highway 67. The exit sign off in the distance on the left is the same one in the previous picture.
When a wall of clouds form like this, a tornado could suddenly drop down at any moment. At this point the weather gets very unpredictable. Sudden downpours could also occur, very strong wind gusts or hail and thunder and lightning. These clouds were moving about 45 mph with heavy rotation.
It had been near 80 degrees today. But when the cold front moved in and hit that warm air, the tornado watch, then tornado warning got issued.

You took some really good photos. I'm on the Illinois-Indiana border and we had the storm pass through late last night. I hate night time storms. I'm always afraid to go to sleep and not hear the tornado warnings sound. I guess our Midwest hazards are much better than the fires in California or the hurricanes down south. I suppose it is whatever you get use to.
Have a good weekend.
I realize this is somewhat unrelated, but I would love to hear what you think of satellite internet service.
I plan on moving out to "the country" in the next year or so, but I need my internet.
@Rae, thanks for the compliment on the pics! I'm familiar with your town as I always went through it on my way to Indianapolis or anywhere east for that matter LOL. It was always the perfect spot to buy gas on an east bound trip.
I kept thinking and hoping it would go north of you. I think most of it did. You have a good weekend too!
@kbnky, hey thanks for visiting & commenting. About satellite internet, I wrote a scathing review of it in Feb. You can read that here.
BUT I did just ugrade two days ago to their newest modem, and signed up for their "fastest" service plan (which I thought I had all along). It is faster than it used to be, and is certainly faster than dial up. The weather has been bad since I upgraded, so it's still early to tell.
Be prepared to pay bookoo bucks. Since it is the most expensive internet provider, I would only recommend it if you have no other options. I am too embarrassed to tell you how much it cost! (They do have a website, of course though).
Oh yeah, it will not work when it is raining hard or very thick storm clouds (I unplug mine during storms anyway). It also won't work if snow or ice accumulates on the satellite and that really sucks! (You can carefully clean off the snow & ice though and it usually works). Hope this helps!
@kbnky, if that link doesn't work, just use the search box in the upper left corner. I thought I had my code for it ok, but I couldn't get the link to work. Sorry.
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