Some people think the Representative Aaron Schock is hot, but I beg to differ. He is a cold-hearted (you fill in the blank), who voted NO on hate crimes. I can't say that I am "shocked" that the nation's youngest congressman, who happens to be from my district voted NO on the Matthew Sheppard Act! But I am very disappointed. If any of you are in the Illinois 18th Congressional District, please call his office and voice your disappointment. I have already called in to voice my disappointment and am encouraging others in my district to do the same. Thanks. Please help spread the word too! Thanks, again.
Here's a copy of the email I received from Human Rights Campaign:
Last week, when the House passed the Matthew Shepard Act in a bipartisan vote of 249 to 175, we moved one step closer to federal hate crimes protections.
With the active support of President Obama and Attorney General Holder, we have our best chance ever to secure enactment of this important legislation.
But Rep. Aaron Schock voted "No" – folding under pressure from the radical right. Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC) even sunk to a new low when she claimed on the House floor that the brutal hate crime that took Matthew Shepard's life was a "hoax." And she said it in front of Matthew's mother.
Our lawmakers need to know that we notice when they fail to stand up for equality.
Follow up messages mean a lot to legislators: they show that constituents are engaged, and they encourage lawmakers to rethink their positions in the future.
When you let your representative know that you're disappointed in their vote, you're not only helping us build momentum for the Matthew Shepard Act, you're laying the groundwork for the next fight.
Please take 30 seconds to send your note today. This is just as important as the emails and calls you may have made before the vote.
Want to make even more of an impact? Make a quick call to Rep. Schock's office at (202) 225-6201. Tell them you're calling to express your disappointment that the representative voted "No" on the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act.
The staffer will take down your name and thank you for calling, and you've done your good deed for the day!
Thank you for all your help!
Joe Solmonese
President, HRC

I dont know whats worse, your rep or mine. Well at least I am not in virignia's district, just in her state. She makes me sick though.
@travelingman, thanks for reading and commenting! I wondered if Virginia was in your district... she is pathetic! Can you believe her!
I am from Illinois and familiar with the inept qualities of Aaron Schock. Thanks for posting this. Your blog is great!
I am following
@Rae, Nice to know others from here alread know Schock's inept qualities. You have to be pretty bad to vote against a hate crime bill! Glad you like the blog! Thanks so much for following and commenting!
Nice article. The rep is cute, but sometime looks are not everything. With some they look good, but as soon as they open their mouths they turn into the ugliest person in the world.
I worked for the State of Indiana for over 11 years. Trust me when I say this, its all about the money. If you have money or have "good standing" then they can be your best friend. But like a wild cat, it will turn on you. I saw that time and again.
"Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC) even sunk to a new low when she claimed on the House floor that the brutal hate crime that took Matthew Shepard's life was a "hoax." And she said it in front of Matthew's mother."
It was done for shock value. She wanted to cause a couple of things to happen. She wanted her name in print.And someone paid her some big bucks to say it.
The problem with politics now is the money.
"money is the root to all evil"
hey john! thanks for showing my blog love! and i got the neno's award!!!
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