...but getting this message sucks.
What's my twitter name?
of course!
In all fairness, it doesn't happen too often.

a·buzz: [uh-buhz]– full of or alive with activity, talk, etc
It was too cloudy here to view the lunar eclipse. Were you able to see it?
Happy Solstice!
I saw this on CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS this morning and couldn't resist sharing. The 2010 Asian Games have recently ended, and so have the patriotic swimsuits of one team. Singapore's information ministry rebukes the water polo team's swimsuits as "inappropriate."
Perhaps the Singaporean government has embarrassed the country more than that pair of swimming trunks ever could.
Medical marijuana bill stalls in Illinois House - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register
I just wanted to let everyone know that I still have not had a chance to switch over to my new domain name. I had planned to do it over the long Columbus Day weekend, but too many things came up. At this point I am still planning to make the switch (which involves a lot more than simply forwarding to the new domain name). It will occur sometime soon and probably over a weekend. If you try to access the blog and get a DNS error, then you will know the conversion is in process. Thank you for your patience!
...as I attempt to switch to a new domain name (minus the blogspot). During the switchover, if you try to access this blog, it may result in a DNS error message.
"Ma's Roadhouse" is one of my favorite new shows! It comes on the tru channel (formerly CourtTV) on Wednesday nights. Here's a trailer to wet your appetite, but if you don't get that channel someone has posted the show on YouTube! Let me know what you think!
With Time, One Learns...
After some time, one learns the subtle difference between holding hands and enter-twining souls,
And one learns that love doesn't mean laying together,
And that company doesn't mean safety,
And one begins to learn...
That kisses are not contracts and gifts are not promises,
And one begins to accept his failures with head held high,
And with open eyes, one learns to lay out his paths today,
Because the terrain of tomorrow is too unsure for plans...
And the future has a way of falling apart.
And after some time, one learns that if it is too much, even the heat of the sun will burn.
So one plants his own garden and adorns his own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring him flowers.
And one learns that he really can endure, that he really is strong, that he really is worth something,
And one learns and learns... and with each day, brings more lessons.
With time, you learn that being with someone because they offer you a good future means that sooner or later, you will long to return to your past.
With time, you understand that, only a person who is capable of loving you with all your defects, without trying to change you, loves you un-conditionally.
With time, you realize that if you are at the side of that person just to accompany your loneliness, you will inevitably end up alone.
With time, you understand that true friends are numbered, and that he who does not fight for them sooner or later will see himself surrounded only by false friendships.
With time, you learn that words said in a moment of rage can continue to hurt the one you wounded, for an entire lifetime.
With time, you learn that anyone can apologize, but only those with great souls are able to forgive.
With time, you learn that if you have hurt a friend badly, the friendship will likely never be the same again.
With time, you realize that although you are happy with your friends, some day you will cry for those that you let go.
With time, you realize that every experience with every person is unrepeatable.
With time, you realize that he who humiliates or degrades a human being sooner or later will suffer the same humiliation or degradation four-fold.
With time, you understand that hurrying things or forcing them to happen will result in them not turning out how you hoped.
With time, you realize that in reality, the best thing was not the future, but the moment you were living right at that instant.
With time, you will see that although you are happy with those by your side, you will grieve for those who were with you yesterday but have now left.
With time, you will learn that trying to forgive someone or ask forgiveness from someone, saying you love someone, saying you miss someone, saying you need someone, saying you want someone standing before their grave, is too late and no longer makes sense.
But unfortunately, only with time... One Learns.
--author unknown
The judge's ruling on California's gay marriage ban was harsh yet carefully worded. One some say would be tough to overturn as the landmark legal debate goes to the appeals court and possibly to the U.S. Supreme Court. (Aug. 5)
This is the saddest and most difficult blog post that I have ever written. My friend and fellow blogger, Marie Jackson-Bonenberger, age 58, also known as "TheMom" of Attentive Aphorist passed away this past Saturday night. Marie and I were Facebook friends as well as blogger buddies and her daughter posted the sad news Sunday on Facebook. I have already commented my sympathy on Facebook, but again, my deepest sympathy goes out to her family.
Marie's blog was one of the first to appear on my blogroll and was one of my favorites. I liked her outspoken, tell it like it is rants! I also loved how she mixed it up and would update her blog, sometimes several times a day and just let us know what she was up to, and it was never boring. "TheMom" had many interesting things to say about "TheDaughter," "TheGrandson," and "TheSon," who were all regular features on her blog, and of course her neighbors! Many times, before her "TheMom" signature, she would say, "I shall return!" She especially loved using those exclamation marks too! I think it was one way of expressing her happiness with life.
Marie was a loyal follower of my blog and passed on several MeMe awards to me and of course left probably more comments than anyone. I was also surprised at nearly every holiday to receive an e-card from her. She also sent me e-cards "just because" with no special occasions. That little gesture meant a lot to me. I think we had a special connection, because we had so many things in common.
If you read her blog often then you really got to know her, as she was practically famous for her many MeMe's--especially her "Sunday Stealings," which I don't know why, but she sometimes apologized for having so many MeMe's. Each time she did that I would leave a comment telling her not to apologize, and that reading them let us get to know her even more intimately.
Last summer she had wrote about "TheGrandson" and his Mickey Mouse watch and I commented that I loved it and had one too that I bought from Nickelodeon, but it didn't work any more. It just needed a new battery, but no store would install one. The stores made excuses that they might damage the watch in the process of removing the back.
That same day I got an email from her telling me that she had worked many years in jewelry and she would be happy to get my watch working again! She had all the necessary tools to remove the back, install a battery and make sure it worked properly! I was so excited and asked her if she would also do the same with an expensive watch I had bought many years ago from the now closed Sharper Image. She said sure, she would be happy to get any of my watches working again, gave me her mailing address and said to send them and we'd work out the details later. She had big plans coming up, so I put it off.
She had been so excited to take "TheDaughter" and "TheGrandson" to Virginia Beach for vacation, so I waited before I mailed the watches. Then I waited a little longer to give her some time to rest up after vacation. It wasn't long after that and she was first hospitalized with heart problems. I didn't want to burden her after that, as I knew she needed rest and less or no stress. I say "no stress," because she had mentioned in December that she was going to refrain from some of her blogging rants about certain Republicans and a certain Faux News Channel. She could get herself really worked up just thinking about those things!
I don't know if her blog will remain up, but I hope so. It will remain on my blogroll though. There are so many archives and I have not read all of her posts yet. I didn't always leave a comment, because I would read blogs so late at night that if I left a comment then with the time stamp people would wonder if I ever slept! Of course, she said not to worry about that! She didn't worry about petty things like that and if somebody didn't like what she did, said or thought, then too bad! With Marie, what you see IS what you get, and she lived life to the fullest with very few regrets. She was not afraid to let her opinion be known and I loved that about her. She was a very strong willed woman that I admired greatly. I always hoped to meet her in person, but I am thankful for the interaction I had with her online.
As a tribute to her, I am going to carry on her tradition of her Saturday "Caturday" posts. Mine won't be as good, I already know that! Marie had to spend a lot of time looking for those funny postings for us cat lovers. I am planning to have something though to do with cats every Saturday, if possible. This will help me to keep her memory alive. Rest in Peace, Marie.
"TheMom" is gone, but won't be forgotten.
RALEIGH, N.C. – A Democratic congressman apologized Monday after video posted online showed him swatting at a video camera and demanding that two men taping him identify themselves. (AP) -please click for the full story.
In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.(Wikipedia)
Ricky Martin: I am a homosexual man -
Miami-Dade Breaking News
- MiamiHerald.com
Finally, I got my income taxes done! I told myself that I would not be blogging until I got that done. If you know me, then you know I am a procrastinator! I do my own taxes, and this year was a real bear. Ugh, I don't even want to go in to the details, but it was a stressful little mini-nightmare LOL! I am so used to not blogging now that I probably won't be blogging as much now! I will do what I can, but I must admit I spend a lot of time on Facebook and I share news links there, much like I have done here on the blog. I don't want to have a lot of duplicate content, you know?
It better be good. It must be good, because she has sure been very busy promoting "Kirstie Alley's Big Ass Life," which premieres on A&E this Sunday night. For the record, I LOVE Kirstie and am looking forward to watching her show! I know it won't be as funny as her 2005 Showtime series (now available on dvd) "Fat Actress," but I think it will still be very entertaining!
So here's the deally...
I will NOT be watching Celebrity Apprentice! Two good reasons: