Blame it on facebook! Or blame it on the rain, blame Canada (just kidding--love Canadians)! I didn't realize I hadn't posted anything in five days. Sorry! It's true that I have spent a lot of time on facebook, I can't really place blame on any one thing for not making a blog post until now. As you probably guessed, I have been busy! Oh yeah, if you ever read my "about me" info and wondered what "sometimes rambling thoughts" were, well now you know!
We still haven't harvested all of our pumpkins yet, but have several piles in the weed filled pumpkin patch. Actually, Ron cut all those pumpkins free and never told me or asked for help. I was hoping we would've had a frost by now so that the weeds and vines would have withered enough to see where all the pumpkins are at! It has been chilly, but not cold enough for that.
Since Fall is one of my favorite seasons, I've also been decorating the house with some Fall decorations. But as I'm sure you know, you can't just decorate over dust, you must clean first (not one of my favorite chores)! I'm still not finished! I also have a lot of Halloween decorations and will put some of them out. I love my artificial jack-0-lanterns! They make such neat night lights! My grandkids loved them and I would add to the collection each year. I'm afraid putting out Halloween decorations will only make me sad, since my grandchildren live so far away. I miss them terribly!
What I need to do is get my ass in gear and have an adult Halloween party! I started writing about this and it led to three paragraphs, so I deleted it and saved for a future Halloween post! I will tell you about some of my most memorable Halloweens. In the meantime, you might want to start reminiscing and put something on your blog about Halloweens past and your plans this year--if you have any.
I have a gay wedding to attend this Saturday, so I've been stressing about that too. What do I wear? Rather, I wonder if I can get away with wearing dark jeans with my nice suit jacket and tie? I wonder if I have any dark jeans that aren't too tight! Should I buy a gift? If so, what? The guys already got married in Iowa, but are having a "celebration ceremony" at their local church here and there is no reception. I've asked three people if they thought we were supposed to bring gifts! Nobody really knows! The couple have been together for a long time already, so it's not like they need anything! Does anyone have any suggestions or opinions about this?
OMG, I've had so many "anniversary" dates since the end of August. And when I say "anniversary" dates I'm not talking about happy ones. Some are death dates, and others are other types of "loss" dates. I know that sounds weird, but let's just say there has been a great number of dates that were sad. On those dates, and sometimes for days before and afterwards I would just be in a funk; not really wanting to do anything. Pathetic, I know. There's just so many people I have lost one way or another in September that it has been a little over bearing.
I did have some happy days in September though, especially when Ron and I celebrated his birthday (which I blogged about).
We have had so much freakin' rain this month! On one day last week, we got 4.76" in one day. Now it is supposed to rain for three days straight. All that rain means lots of mosquitoes, gnats, and even soybean aphids. The three kinds of annoying insects at once are like killer insects and they will bite! The gnats even leave big red welts that hurt and itch for like two weeks. Oh great! Not! The only good thing good about this weather that is that I will get to wear my new jacket that I LOVE! YAY!
I am still at work (came in late), but I am finished with my billing and reports. I'm afraid with my unreliable Internet connection at home, that I may not be able to log on at home. I have taken quite a few new photos that I can't wait to share on the blog. Some are of the things I spoke about above and some are ... well you'll just have to wait and see!
Until then, how about some comments!? I covered a lot here, so maybe you have something to say about one of my rambling thoughts! Until next time...
~ John