Here's a past Spring view of my back yard. The photo was taken with a cell phone, so it's not the best quality. Don't laugh at my windmill, remember I do live on a farm! I love windmills and have since I was a small child. My Uncle Carl & Aunt Barb's family lived on a farm that had a huge working windmill that always fascinated me. They both died tragic deaths many years ago. The decorative windmill always makes me think of them and their family and brings back good memories.
My younger brother laughed and made fun of me for having the windmill. He laughed even harder, when he saw I used a giant tractor tire as a raised flower bed! You might be a redneck if you...don't say it! You can't see it in the picture, but the trellis is in the center of the tire. The giant tire was already at the farm, when we bought it and I loved it too. You can call me the redneck version of Martha Stewart haha! No, please don't...that was a joke! I do try to make use of everything though. And I can do anything Martha can! Yeah, right!
As you can see, my love for tractors goes way back too. I loved playing on them as young boy! Yep, that is me--probably about three years old, on the tractor. However, I never got to operate a tractor by myself. My uncles would let me ride inside their combines though, so that was fun for a kid living in the country. Driving one by myself would have been more fun though! See how large a tractor tire is! Now how could I dispose of the one on my farm now?
In the first picture the Irises are up and bloom after my few scattered tulips and daffodils. Once my Iris bloom, I will have one flower after another blooming right up until winter. This year we have already tilled more of the back yard to have even more flowers (and less mowing).
In the background you can see acres of tilled farmland (not ours) that surrounds us on three sides. One year corn is planted, and the next year soybeans. Along the edge we will grow pumpkins, watermelons, and lots of sunflowers. It's going to be a great Spring and Summer!
14 hours ago
Does is still look the same now, your garden? I bet your windmill is still around as it reminds you of your Aunt and Uncle. Do you play in the slide too? LOL.
That little you is so cute up there! I think the big wheel is kinda scary, hahaha!
You should post pictures on how it looks like in the present. :P Would love to see your 4-acre land if you feel like it!
@HalfCrazy...At this moment, the grass is just starting to get greener, the trees only have buds. The yard & garden areas look pretty much the same though each year. Right now it looks really baren, not so green, and only a few tulips are up about 6inches. The wind just beats them down and tears them up, so I'm phasing them out. It is always very windy out here in the open.
The slide is too small for me or I would slide down on it LOL In my profile pic, I am actually swinging on that swingset. I have 3 grandkids and children of friends and relatives that play on that swingset!
I don't know about posting a pic of my house! There are some real crazy people out can never be too careful. My house is a 2 story old farm house. It is constantly being repaired, remodeled, etc. The front of the house looks just like the one in Amityville Horror--5 windows across the front on the 2nd floor, 4 on the 1st floor with the front door in the middle. White siding with black shutters...lots of big rooms, hate to say too much, don't want to appear to brag; believe me it's no mansion!
We have a neat old barn I will post a pic of it and a smaller hen house. Three car detached garage & a huge implement building (now raising turkeys in it)...they both need painted! Embarrasing!
When we bought the farm in '94 it had a white fence all around it, but it was falling apart and we took it down pretty quick.
I took a few pics the other day after work, of some of the chickens who get to free range after work, and it seemed like the place looked messy in the backgrounds, so I wouldn't want to show the mess. It's hard to keep up. Thanks for your interest!
LOL okay, thanks for describing everything, I kinda feel like I'm in your farm, hahaha! Everything is so detailed!
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