In Loving Memory of my Dad
This is my Dad, who passed away nine years ago today at the age of 64.
I am so disappointed that I couldn't find the picture I wanted to post, which was his Air Force picture. Dad served in the United States Air Force during the Korean War. He was stationed in Greenland.
Although I don't like the way his shirt glows in this picture, I do like how the photo seems to represent him. He loved the outdoors and especially like to go camping, hunting, fishing, and exploring natural monuments. He always wore a cap outdoors, and had dozens of them, which I now have.
He worked most of his life in construction as a heavy equipment operator. He would move to wherever a good long term job was located. One of his favorite jobs was during my high school years in Mississippi, where Dad was proud that he helped build the Tenn-Tom Waterway, a major canal that connected the Tennessee River and the Tombigbee River as an alternative route to the Gulf of Mexico. The waterway is stimulating economic development, providing outdoor recreational opportunities, aiding navigation, and enhancing wildlife habitat.
I had not seen my Dad since the mid eighties, probably around the time of this picture of us. I did keep in touch by phone and mail. He loved me unconditionally and was always saying "I love you, son." His death came as a complete shock and was caused by heart failure.
I am only now just getting over the guilt of not visiting him more, when he was still alive. I would've loved to have seen him again, but he lived so far down in rural Alabama, that I would need to take a week off to do that.
I was always "too busy" and kept postponing a visit, because I was working, involved in work related associations, raising my daughter, and volunteering and serving on a local non-profit board of directors. I know I should have made that thirteen hour drive or flew down, even though I would have to change planes three times and have long layovers. I thought I was just putting it off until the time was right. It's too late for me, but if you have a parent or loved one that is far away, don't make the mistake I made. Go visit them. Tomorrow may be too late.

I'm so sorry you lost your dad, it's never easy. Being all Catholic and all...I do believe he is always with you and would never want you to feel guilty. There's nothing like the love of a parent, it's unconditional and eternal. Of course, being a parent yourself, you know that.
Keeping you in my thoughts today, kiddo.
you're absolutely with your suggestion
@Web Master, thanks for the comment. I'm sure you mean "absolutely right."
I thought I was the only one that published comments that left out a word or something like that!
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