Apparently not!
"Food, Inc." opened Friday in a handful of theaters, but is not showing in Peoria, or Springfield, or Jacksonville, and probably nowhere else in the heartland of America. For now, all we get to watch is the trailer. This trailer is one of several on YouTube.
The New York Times did a great review of the movie. Here is an excerpt:
Forget buckets of blood. Nothing says horror like one of those tubs of artificially buttered, non organic popcorn at the concession stand. That, at least, is one of the unappetizing lessons to draw from one of the scariest movies of the year, “Food, Inc.,” an informative, often infuriating activist documentary about the big business of feeding or, more to the political point, force-feeding, Americans all the junk that multinational corporate money can buy. You’ll shudder, shake and just possibly lose your genetically modified lunch...
I always love to read the comments at the end of online newspaper articles and found this one to be especially interesting:
Will this movie make it to Middle America?
My concern is that this documentary is not going to be shown outside the major coastal metropolitan areas like so many independent thought-provoking films. Is it even showing anywhere yet outside NYC? It is a subject, and a crisis, that the American public needs to be aware of but showing it in only a handful of theatres, to an affluent or university audience, is only preaching to the choir (and yes I put my zip in the location search and nothing popped up in my area). Finally, attacking those like "Jake" from Nebraska for defending their livelihood is in itself elitist and immature. This debate needs to include everyone that either consumes or produces food (i.e. all Americans), not just the affluent urbanites who can afford to exclusively buy organic and local (I buy it as much as my income allows). — Jim, Missouri
Is "Food, Inc." showing at a theater near you?
UPDATE: Aug. 14, 2009, according to a couple of the commenters, this movie is showing now unti September 10 in Peoria. See comments for details.

Sounds like a great movie to see. But it won't be shown here in the heartland where all the cows and grains are mass grown.
It is scary, what we are eating. I guess we can boycott. And the problem with comparing it to the cigarette battle is that we don't have to have cigs-we can live without them if the industry is forced down. But we still have to have food though. What do we do???
Since you are my friend-come to my blog and steal the friend badge from me to paste on your page. No requirements to pass it on or blog about or anything. Just a gift from one friend to another.
Luy ya,
I hadn't heard of it, John, but I will look for it now.
@Rae, Always love your comments! You are so right about the reasons it won't play here. People can eat healthier if they want to, and I think this is one point of the movie. Sure organic food costs more, but even Walmart sells some. And if people are eating a lot of crap, then they are paying in other ways like to Dr.s and pharmaceutical companies.
Thanks so much for the friend badge. I will check it out!
@kenju, it may be showing in your area, since it's more densely populated. I haven't checked in nearby St.Louis yet, but I will.
I'm not sure if this is being shown around here, but I'll look for it.
I was happy to see in our local newspaper that the school district that I'm in has finally dumped Sodexho food service which was feeding the school kids the most unappetizing, unhealthy food you've ever seen. My kids refused to eat the crap and would bring their own lunches from home. The menu was always the same, pizza, chicken nuggets, greasy french fries, greasy hamburgers, fat laden hot dogs, and ice cream. Oh..and they even had a "healthy menu" which consisted of a potato bar where you could smother your potato in fake butter, sour cream, melted nacho cheese, bacon bits, and salt. Yum....fat, calories,and cholesterol---all rolled into one meal to be washed down with vast amounts of Coke or "Slushies".
And they wonder why kids are struggling with obesity?
The new food service touts that is serves healthy, fresh vegetables and a variety of healthy menus. We'll see....
Food Inc is playing at Peoria Cinemas 12 starting August 14, 2009
I am going to see this movie today in Peoria IL. It does play in Peoria at the Peoria Theater Aug 14th - Sept 10th.
@Mary Ellen, Wendy, & Rachel,
Thanks for your comments. I will update my post with the new information.
Strange how the movie came out in June and it only starts showing around her in August. Might as well just wait for the dvd and rent it.
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