There's not much blogging activity going on for me as I study for my driver's exam.
I didn't read all the fine print on the letter that I received. I thought that I would just be getting a vision screening, and I was already worried about my eyesight.
I passed the vision test, but I didn't want to take a chance on the written exam without studying first. Plus they told me I arrived too close to closing time to take the written test, even if I wanted. Fine with me! I'd rather study for it before taking the exam.
I know it's mostly all common sense questions, but I didn't want to take a chance! A friend of mine once did that and she flunked the test. She was mortified! I would be too.
My local DMV is only open from 8:00 a.m to noon today and is closed on Monday. My license expires Monday. I'm obviously not worried about it at this point. If nothing else, I can drive over to Springfield on Monday and take the test there.
Hopefully I will study over coffee and get this over with today. It has stressed me out enough already!

I think it is funny that we drive for years without thinking a thing about getting behind the wheel, until that moment when we know someone will be grading our ability to do it. All of a sudden we freeze up.
Good Luck!
John seriously you guys have to re do the written test as well when your license expires?Over here we just re do the eye test.Or am i reading this wrong?
How often do you have to take the written part of the test? In Ohio, it is only taken when you initially get your drivers license or move here from another state. I would have to brush up on the book also.
Ahhh, the joys of small town living ...until you need government services! Can you imagine the DMV closed on a Monday? It serves serveral counties too. (Living in Las Vegas spoiled me LOL) By the way, I didn't make it to the DMV today-- too much going on and everyone says it is always packed on Sat.
@Rae, you got that right! And with all these new laws, it's ridiculous. Some of the practice questions asks what is the fine of blah blah blah! I don't really care how much a fine will be or how long a license will be revoked! As long as you follow the laws, why do you need to know the fines?
Yvette Kelly, I'm pretty sure in IL you have to take a written test every 8 years and after so many years you have to also take an over the road test, especially in your golden years. That's all in the Rules of the Road too!
You see, if they make you jump through so many hoops, then they will have all these state workers... then they wonder why they can't balance a budget and gives them an excuse to raise taxes and fees. Maybe, who knows! Remember this is the state that just impeached our Governor for trying to sell Obama's senate seat!
@themom, I just answered your question, same as Yvettes. I believe it is every 8 years. I should probably memorize that too in case it's on the test!
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