I am deeply saddened by the news of Michael Jackson's death. This is one of my favorite songs and I hope you will listen to the lyrics as you watch this video that shows Michael Jackson from his early years to his most recent years. I don't know him, but want to thank titemanson29 at YouTube for making and posting the video. Thank you for taking the time to make and post this video.
It seems like so many of my posts lately have been a reflection of my earlier years in life. Here we go again. I am not even going to try and compose a sentence now, but instead just list a bunch of my rambling thoughts.
Earliest Memories:
- "A, B, C, easy as 1, 2, 3" What a great song that was!
- Begging My Mom to buy certain kinds of cereal, because it had a paper Jackson Five record embedded on the box.
- Hearing "Rockin' Robin" blast through the elementary gymnasium as my sister was part of a pompom routine. She was in 8th grade, I was in 2nd grade. That was the first time I ever heard that song. I still can't sing the "diddlydeetdeet" or whatever it was! I sure remember that "Tweet, Tweet" part! That song should be the official song for Twitter.
- In high school skating to "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough."
- Wearing a "Michael Jackson" jacket and parachute pants.
- Winning two tickets to The Jacksons Victory Tour in 1984, when i lived near Chicago. I took my 7 year old step daughter H. to the concert at Soldier Field. H. was a big fan then and remains one still today. I'm sure that when she hears about Michael's death, she will be reminiscing about that concert. We had such a good time that night! It was absolutely thrilling. The concert included the entire Jackson family, but Michael did the most songs.
- "Ben" was another one of my favorite songs. No, I did not realize that it was about a rat, until many months later.
- "Thriller" was the first video I ever saw on MTV. I remember exactly where I was at and why and what I was doing at that time! I think "Thriller" was the biggest launch that MTV could've ever got. I always think of my little two year old step daughter T. singing that song--she would sing "Thwill-uh., Twill-uh..." She was so cute. Our whole family loved Michael Jackson.
- Being mesmerized as I watch Michael do the moon walk on tv. I tried and tried for years to do that, and never could. He was such a talented dancer, not just a talented singer.
- I have lots and lots more fond memories of Michael Jackson. These are just a few that instantly popped into my head.
- I have every cd except his last one or two. I will probably buy them now.
- I'm glad I bought a box of Kleenex the other night at CVS!
My thoughts and prayers go out to the Jackson family.
I look forward to all the tributes that are on television starting tonight. ABC has announced that it will be showing one for sure tonight. I hope people will just "Remember The Time" (another great song), I mean I hope people will just focus on the extremely talented singer and entertainer Michael Jackson and not any of the weird things that went on in the last few years. Now is not the time for that.

I wonder if his children will go to their natural mother?
You and I have the exact same memories of Michael...how sad that he is gone before he was able to reclaim his legacy...
You have taken me on a trip down memory lane. I am shocked at his death. It is so sad to lose a legend.
The worst thing of all is how everyone is talking about how great he was, but just yesterday they made fun of him and didn't have anything good to say.
He was a troubled soul but despite that, he ushered in a whole new era of music and his talent will never be replaced.
I am shocked that he would die so young.He formed a great part of my teenage memories and some of his songs just relive those good time for me.
The album "Thriller" was one of the most amazing albums -- ever. I think I played it until it wore out, and two Christmases ago I bought the CD for my grandson, who loved it.
What an amazing talent he had, but what a sadly troubled life. So sad!
@kenju, I doubt it, but I believe the children should be with their mother now, including Blanket, even though Debbie didn't give birth to him. They shouldn't be seperated.
@travelingman, I guess my memories aren't all that unique. I have so many more too. Yes, it's sad indeed. I always thought he would be the biggest show on the Vegas strip eventually.
@Rae, I am glad you went down that memory lane with me--thanks! And your other remarks...I could've have said it better myself. Very well put!
@Yvette Kelly, I'm shocked too! I thought he was like a helath nut. I grew up listening to his music too and as I got older always looked forward to his next new cd.
@Jo, You're so right about Thriller. After all I think it sold like 25 million copies!
Sad indeed about his troubled life.
Great post John and I agree that a entertainment legend passed away.
June 25th... a day that will live in American pop culture infamy!
@Jim, Thanks! I appreciate that compliment! That was the first time I ever got breaking bad news and just starting blogging about it! I'm surprised that everyone liked it!
Usually it takes me forever to write any original content!
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