Since I'm a Dad, I like Father's Day! I don't need gifts to have a happy Father's Day. To me, a perfect Father's Day is a day spent with my daughter watching a good baseball game--preferably a St. Louis Cardinals game at Busch Stadium. The next best thing is day at the ball park in Springfield watching the Springfield Sliders defeat the Danville Dans. Here we are waiting for the game to start. It was a happy Father's Day! I'm not proud of this picture, as I realize it's not very flattering of either of us. At least she was smart enough to wear sunglasses! As you can see, I (in my official Sliders cap) am squinting and probably getting sun burned. It was much better once the sun went down. I can't believe she wore that shirt! Unfortunately this photo is from last year!

My Aunt Pat emailed today to wish me a happy Father's Day and this photo was a nice surprise attached. She said it was her most recent picture of us together! My daughter was eight years old in this one and I was 29. Thanks, Aunt Pat! I'm only posting it to show some age the other two aren't very flattering photos of us! I like this one!

Oh what the heck, here's another couple of pictures of my daughter in the last couple of years. These are among my favorites. The first one was a spur of the moment at work with my cell phone camera. The other is a close up to show off her spike in her chin. She doesn't wear that anymore...YAY!

And to all the Dads, step-Dads, and other guys that are like a Dad, I hope you all had a Happy Father's Day!

Yes Happy Father's day to me :) I'm a father of 1,5 years old beautiful daughter
Thanks for the pictures. Your daughter is lovely and I can tell the amount of pride you have for her. The progression of time is strange, wouldn't you say? OH, the lovely fads and trends we have gone through...but we survived and here we are. So glad you had the contact for Father's Day.
Clapping. Yeah! This is fantastic. I love the photos. You in your snaky sliders hat and Ashley - it's a great dad & daughter pic. And I like the young John photos too. You look so proud. Ashley is very pretty.
BTW- You had to sneak the Dans in didn't you? The Dans were scheduled to beat the sliders on Friday night but they got rained out here. It will happen.
Wonderful post John!!!!
Great pictures John!
I have a 4 & 1 year old daughter. Fathers days are special days and I dont want mine to grow any older! haha, anyway very good...
@Another Blogger, That's the way I have felt ever since becoming a Dad "Happy Father's Day to ME!" And kids are so fun at that age.
@themom, glad you enjoyed the pics! I have so many it was difficult to choose...but I don't have all day to think about it! Yes the progression of time is strange, and oh, the fads! I have had some bizarre hair styles since becoming a mullets, spikes, etc! I'm proud to say I never had the "tail" braided in the back! That should've been against the law LOL Like I said, I had to choose carefully as not to embarrass myself too much!
@Rae, thanks so much! Gosh, so many compliments make me blush. Of course I snuck in that about the DANS LOL...they're a good team too.
@BlondeGoddess, thank you! It took a lot of nerve to post some of those pics of me LOL
@steve6787, believe me, I know what you mean! Unfortunately they will grow up so fast, you will wonder where all the time went!
Thanks for commenting!
thanks for sharing john!
@ReRe, you're welcome and thank you for stopping by!
Thanks, for sharing your daughter's lovely pictures.
John, very nice article, your daughter looks so lovely. You are lucky to have a wonderful child.
I'm sorry I'm here so late to wish you a Happy Dad's Day!
I love those pics. In that first picture, you don't look much older than your daughter! I'm sure you hear that a lot, but it's true.
Like you, I'm very camera shy, not many pics of me around and I'm rarely brave enough to show one on my blog. (I put some in my past blog, though...I must have been drunk when I wrote that post.) ;-)
I'm glad you had a great day with your daughter...wishing you many many many more!
@Shabnam Sultan, you're welcome, and thank you for the kind words and for stopping by and commenting.
@Allen, thank you for the compliments. It's a great thing being a Dad...the only thing better is being a grandpa LOL! Glad to hear from you & hope all is well.
@Mary Ellen/Nunly, thanks and I'm so glad you like the pics! It took a lot of guts to post any of me with all my weird facial expressions!
Yes, I have been told I don't look old enough to be her Dad a few times. At my stepDad's funeral (visitation) somebody asked me if she was my wife! We both cracked up! And that was 9 years ago!
Hmmm, I think I'm going to have to dig into someone's archives!
Thanks again for everything. I always enjoy your comments.
@gemgemsxx, thank you for such kind words! Father's Day was great; last year was better. But it's always great to be a Dad on Father's Day.
Great to see you back! Thanks for commenting
Thanks for sharing this John. :D
@kbnky, you're welcome!
How sweet..So lucky to have her as your daughter! <3
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