The party will keep going on, so it doesn't matter, if you're late. Please, no gifts! Your presence is the only presents that I want! Actually, that is not true. I wanted abs (almost got them) for my birthday, or rather by my birthday. I guess the only six pack I will have is a six pack of Bud Light!
Ok, I'will take a comment, and if you're not a follower yet, I would love to have you as a follower. But nothing is required. For now just have a good time and celebrate my 47th birthday with me!
Glad you could make it! The pool is open and the drinks are flowing! The band is playing, and in between we're listening to some weird music chosen by yours truly. It's open bar too, so what's your pleasure?
This Beatles birthday song is the second 45 that I ever bought, probably around the age of ten! I hope you enjoy it. The video is cute too.
It's not just my birthday. It's also my blogger buddy Kenneth in the (212)'s birthday. If you get a chance, go over and tell him Happy Birthday and that John Abuzz sent you!
I'm also more than happy to share my birthday with the one and only Joan Rivers! Happy Birthday, Kenneth, Joan, and everyone else born on this day. The Beatles song is for you all.
This last video is playing the #1 song from the Spring of 1962; the year I was born. That thing in the video is called a record player. I'm so old; I used to own one!
In case you haven't guessed it by now, my birth name is Johnny. This song had something to do with it.

Happy Birthday, dude!
@Betasheep, thank you!
* I forgot to put in my post that I actually celebrated last night, had a great night out and the best meal ever and of course with the best guy I know.
Happy Birthday John! I hope you had a great one!
OMG, I am having too much fun here. The music is great. The beer is cold and I like the company. Crank it up louder.
Johnny you really know how to celebrate for an old dude.
P.S. I remember the song Johnny Angel too. I probably played it on one of those little 45 records.
@Blonde Goddess, thank you! Yes, it was a great one!
@Rae, MY GOOD FRIEND, you seem to really enjoy this post, and that means so a lot to me! Thank you for such a great comment and the Happy Birthday shout out!
Looks like I had a party and nobody came LOL. I tried to post this earlier and I kept getting phone calls! Oh well, it was worth it to hear from my daughter. She can talk and talk and talk! (Don't know where she got that)!
Anywhere there is a pool and music - I'm there. Happy Birthday, John, and many, many more to come.
BTW: I STILL own a record player!
I think WE ALL enjoyed your post! Happy Birthday to you!
@kenju, thanks! And good for you for holding on to that record player! I wish I had kept mine.
Unfortunately though, when I was younger my entire record collection got lost or stolen during moving. So I wouldn't have anything to play on the record player now unless I started over! Some of my records, like an lp of my high school band, an't be replaced!
Wow, this got me to thinking about going from records to cassettes and on to cd's and now to mp3's! I still buy cd's though, if I like most of the songs.
Luckily for me, the 8 track cassette/cartridge was being phased out, when I got my first record player!
@Jan Mader, thank you! It is a real challenge to come up with something, when I know a great writer like you might be reading it! I am so honored! Please forgive any punctuation or grammatical errors!
I'm so glad you took the time to read and comment. It means so much and keeps me on my toes as far as writing. I think I will only get better at it and learn a lot from you. Thanks for everything.
K - u planned this prty while i'm on vacation - adn thedtr got me drunk....hmmm..well thought out dude! Happy birthday anyway - and when I sober up, i may regret all this drnk commenting. good thinkg i don't really consume alcohol for a living..i'd be dead.
Oh wow! Happy belated birthday sweetie!!!
You look GREAT for 47. I NEVER would've guessed that!
@Pwn Star, thanks! and thanks for the compliment! Moisturizer, sunscreen and eye serums...not just for the ladies! They have all kinds of products for men now. I do like that Elizabeth Arden moisturizer though!
I sure don't feel that old either!
@themom, thanks for joining the celebration...literally! No, it wasn't really planned, but a spur of the moment LOL
Glad you are having a blast on vacation!
Ok, I know it's late, but that's the story of my life, always the last one to the party. My brother's birthday was the 9th and I forgot to call him. I am now on the little sister shit list. I will call him this evening and grovel...mightily.
I mentioned your birthday on my blog and linked to you. I didn't mention my brother's birthday...cuz he would kill me. :-)
@Mary Ellen/Nunly, thank you! I take it you were "singing" that to me! Ahhh your brother-another Gemini! Thank you very much for mentioning my birthday on your blog! You are so nice. Hope you have a great day!
Belated Happy, Happy Birthday to YOU! You're an awesome blogger acquaintance.
Take care! :)
@Shey, thank you so much! You're too kind. I hope you and your husband had a doubly Happy Birthday too on May 31st!
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