For the first time in three years it did not rain on our parade! The weather was beautiful, sunny, and with a cool breeze blowing. It made the Pride Parade so much more enjoyable. And the crowd seemed larger than in past years. We watched the parade at the end of the parade route in front of Tower Grove Park. Most of the floats didn't turn in to the park, so it was difficult to photograph them. I have a photo album of last years parade at myspace, and a lot of the floats were the same ones anyway.
Of course I took several dozen pictures and will share a few here. Don't ask me what the colorful presentation is in the above photo, because I have no idea! It was very pretty though and this is only a few of them. You could see them from quite a distance.
I took about three dozen parade photos, but will only show a few here. I will try to get a flickr album up with the complete set of Pridefest photos. It was difficult to choose just a few, but I had to show PFLAG. It is such a great nationwide organization. As you can see, it's not just gay people that march in these parades.
A large rainbow flag was carried by a youth group. Sorry, I don't know the name of this organization.
This was a new float this year featuring quite a few local Queen title holders. I love how they included an arch, which is the famous landmark of St. Louis.
I'm so glad I got this photo of the current Miss Gay America in the parade.
Be sure and click on the title link for the St. Louis newspaper article about Pridefest St. Louis.

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