Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Paula Abdul leaving American Idol...Kara made her expendable

E! Online has an interesting article about Paula Abdul leaving Idol. One thing that really stood out for me was the part that said Abdul was made a "fair offer," but she turned them down. And Kara made her expendable. How convenient!

I have been a fan of Paula's since the 80's, when she was immensely popular and have at least two of her cds in my box of oldies but goodies. I will certainly miss Paula on American Idol, but as they say, "the show must go on."
~ John

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And here's some fresh new video from
The Associated Press:

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Larry Ohio said...

Awww, and I thought last season was Paula's best. She was reasonably sober and straight most of the time, and some of the things she said were actually coherent and thoughtful. Now's not the time to dump her.

That being said, a few weeks from now I and the rest of America will say, "Paula who?"

kenju said...

I read somewhere that she might end up being a judge on So You Think You Can Dance. Have you heard that?

Stephen said...

We know she is nutty...but, I don't think she will ever get another gig as good or as lucrative as Idol. I think next year will be Simon's last & the show will be over. They should go out on top.

John said...

Sorry I haven't had a chance to reply to comments until now!

@Larry Ohio, I was wondering if they wanted her off the show for doing that performance in the finale LOL! But then after what Kara did, I doubt that was the reason. After paying Simon & Ryan so much moolah, there just wasn't much left in the budget...maybe.

@kenju, Yes I heard that. I can't stand that show though! I think it's because my nephew is a professional dancer and I know it takes years of classes and practice and dedication...or maybe just the name of the show is a turn off?

@Stephen, I think you are right ...she is no spring chicken. I hope your prediction is right!

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