According to the LA Times and other news sources, Farrah Fawcett is in an LA hospital, reportedly unconscious, and has been there for a few days. The ‘70s TV icon is surrounded by her loved ones, Ryan ONeal and son Redmond.
Farrah has been battling cancer for three years and recently returned from Germany, where she had experimental stem-cell treatment.
Farrah, 62, was diagnosed with anal cancer in 2006 and has fought this disease long and hard. According to People, she was in remission but then the cancer returned.
There's no official confirmation yet from her reps on her condition.
As you can see (yes that's me), I have been a fan of Farrah Fawcett for a long time!
Sorry for the blurry photo, but keep in mind it is 31 years old! I was 15 years old and crazy for Farrah Fawcett! Look at the first small picture of Farrah at the top, and then look closer at my yellow t-shirt! Yep, it is the same image! I can still remember that being my favorite shirt! I know I wore it a lot, because I have it on in so many pictures.
I remember wearing that shirt on my first day as a transfer student at Cortez High School in Phoenix, Arizona. One of the first things I did was audition for symphonic band, and the first thing the band director said was "I take it you are an avid Farrah Fawcett fan!" I think I said, "huh?" And he pointed to my shirt! I blushed! I wondered if I had violated a dress code.
My Mom took these two photos with a 110 camera on Easter of 1978. That is my step-dad and my step-sister Esther. It's hard to see it in this picture, but Esther actually looked like Kate Jackson, another of Charlie's Angels!

Here is a picture of me on that same day in March of 1978. I would've rather just published this one photo, but it is hard to see what's on the shirt. The two photos were taken Easter of '78 at Ahwahtukee Park in Phoenix, Arizona. We all took my little niece and nephew to an Easter Egg hunt. In the background is the first mariachi band I ever heard in person and I loved it!
Are there any Farrah fans out there? I grew up during the Charlie's Angels era and saw every episode. It was my favorite show, and Farrah Fawcett was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen on tv. Even though she was really just on the first season, it seemed like it lasted for a long time--must've been the reruns. Farrah was all over tv though back then. She did shampoo commercials (of course). And who could forget her 1984 incredible performance in The Burning Bed, which earned her both an Emmy and Golden Globe nomination. If you haven't seen that movie, I highly recommend it.
I just loved how all the girls copied her hairstyle for so many years. For that reason, I even nicknamed my good friend Donna "Farrah." Donna didn't mind; after all, what a compliment!
Farrah's fans are pulling for her through this difficult time. I do hope she can beat this thing again! I hope you will say a prayer for Farrah Fawcett.

that shirt is cute. wow cancer is really taking so much these days. plus to think a very beautiful girl, of all types of cancer, would get one that is on the anus.
@HalfCrazy, that is indeed the movie that is based on the '70's tv show called "Charlie's Angels!"
I don't remember which one would've been playing Farrah's role...I wasn't too impresed with the movie and the sequel, but I thought Lucy Lu (sp) was awesome with her moves, all those kicks and stuff!
I'm sorry that I had to delete a few of the comments out of respect for another blogger. I really hated to delete the comments, since parts of the comments were about the Farrah post, but also including some not so nice things that were off topic (including one of my own).
I would have cleaned that up sooner, but I did not know how and just found out that I could only delete the whole comment, not just part of it.
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