Of course, you would have to be on twitter to even answer that question! They showed a clip of this video tonight on The Rachel Maddow Show. I thought it was worth sharing, and it's actually a good song too!
And for the record, I am not a tweet whore. Some days I don't even tweet at all!

Not me. I don't tweet.
Total tweet whore, but am working on recovery!
Yes John, I saw that feature... I only tweet when I have some thoughts on politics or sports updates for the most part.
I will throw some funny zingers out there when it's appropriate.
One thing I did notice about twitter (which is a good source for info. and links to other web sites, etc.)is when clicking on that annoying link for the "awesome site to get more followers" is that it continually tweets itself automatically. That is WRONG!
Good post though... I like Rachel Maddow as well as Countdown with Keith O. and the Ed Show.
Keep going strong!
Actually, I am NOT a tweet whore. :D
But when my mood's getting real bad, I can be a total whore sometimes...
Tweet whore - NO. I have to remind myself to even get there anymore. This social networking is getting out of control. I deleted Myspace, and just hit Facebook a dozen times a day, my blog and an ocassional TWEET!
We don't tweet..
So far, I have resisted tweeting. I spend enough time on blogs and Facebook!! LOL
I would love to be a tweet whore if I was convinced there were any clients out there.As it is I installed RSS feed and maybe one tweet client a week??
I do not tweet, nor will I ever tweet. I have to draw the line somewhere. I also don't do facebook. Just too busy for that stuff, I'm already struggling to keep up with blogging and that is going by the wayside more than not.
I have tried to leave you comments, but first off, I forgot my google password or google forgot it as I am quite sure I know it. Then I tried open ID which spit back at me that I wasn't correctly filling in the blanks. So, hell, I'll try again.
I think what I said before was that I was not fond of twitter and tweeted very seldomly. I do love blogging and reading others blogs. For some reason, it seems a peaceful way to express myself where twitter seems to be wired on some kind of wierd uppers. Forgive me if I am wrong.
Thanks for the comments everyone. You know, I shared this post on twitter!
@Rae, One less thing to log in to or to check for direct messages, etc!
@Rebecca, Well Duh, I knew that...I get your feed on blogcatalog! There's nothing wrong with that.
@Jim, You're good on twitter, not too much, not too little, and like you said...some funny zingers; I love those! I was on that auto tweet and on a twitter train and I unsubscribed to them both. I think if you click on the auto tweet's url, that page might have an unsubscribe at the bottom. I also unchecked everyone in the list and blocked them all. I think that's how I got out!
@casualsounds, you are hilarious and need your own show on Comedy Central!
@themom, Hey at least you dumped myspace! I would if I could get my relatives to come to facebook. Myspace takes too long to load.
@crazyfour, I said that once too!
@kenju, I know what you mean! I don't keep my twitter on all the time. I originally got it to communicate with some news shows. I love Don Lemon on CNN...OMG did I just say that out loud!
@Yvette Kelly, one reason I signed up on Twitter was to master it and then use it at work. So, I signed the shop up with Twitter and before I even announced to any customers, I had all these followers who are in my line of business! I want to send out tweets to customers not other business owners all over the place! Oh well, when I start tweeting our specials maybe the peers will learn to do that too.
@MaryEllen, I just LOL at your pic everytime you comment! I used to say the same thing! As a matter of fact, if you search for facebook on my blog you'll see a post saying I'm not on facebook and don't plan to...well that changed when several family members asked me to join. Facebook apps are addictive though!
I like Twitter, because it only allows 140 characters, which is the only way to keep me from rambling on!
@Maria, hello and welcome first time commenter! You described Twitter really good! So much of the tweets are spam and it clutters up your page and makes it hard to read the good stuff. But I'm slowly learning to block the spammers, but I still follow too many people!
I agree that blogging is a peaceful way of expressing yourself (and you are really good at it too)!
I have left an award for you at my place - enjoy.
John- I just LOL at your pic everytime you comment!
I had to laugh the other day because some guy who doesn't like my politics (i.e. dislike for Obama) wrote a long comment about how I'm a racist, a homophobe (he's gay and because I don't agree with him, I must be a homophobe...really!) and he said I was 60 years old! Yikes! I guess he thought that was my real pic. Anyway, I informed him that if I were 60 that means I missed out on a lot of birthday parties that I didn't know I had and that means I missed out on a lot of chocolate cake, which would REALLY piss me off cuz I LOVE chocolate cake. (I try not to get it on my white hood when I eat. ;-) )
Honestly...what's with the blogosphere these days? It gets worse by the week!
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