Al Franken sworn in, with a straight face - Los Angeles Times
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Less than a week ago Democrat Al Franken was finally sworn in as the junior senator representing Minnesota. He used to be quite the funny man, but now he is serious and down to business. Thank God, his laugh out loud books aren't going anywhere! My favorite, "LIES and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them," has been a part of my book collection for many years now. It is one definitely worth reading and I highly recommend it. ~ John

Yes John, I have this book by Al Franken.
I think it's great he is in the U.S. Senate finally.
What he posted in this book over five years ago, a lot of the things have come to pass.
Just curious to know what happened with Weather Vane (Rae) as there are no posts up any more at the site.
I know that you had nominated Rae for award and many of us that follow both of you voted for her.
Keep doing your thing and peace.
I bought that book about that long ago, whenver it was paperback or might have always been. It's a big book you know. So I listened to him all these years on air America and I'm proud he made it to the senate too.
Funny, I just noticed your comment and I had just sent you a d tweet LOL wondering if you were at Busch Stadium. check you d tweets!
I don't know, maybe Rae is re-doing her blog again?
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