Chicago police spend $2.2M to secure Obama home - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register
This is an interesting and very brief article worth reading! Click the link! What's interesting about this is that the federal government will reimburse the city for only about half of that amount and that is for "securing" the home.
But that doesn't even include the expense of "protecting" the home since Obama's inauguration in January. That amount isn't scheduled to be paid back, and it totaled nearly $650,000.
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I want to know what amounts have been spent protecting and homes of the last four presidents in office before Obama. I am sure that their homes needed securing as well. I wish people wouldn't nitpick him for things like this.
@kenju, Surely you would agree that in these tough economic times that is an astonomical amount, especially for less than one year!
I'm not sure about the Bush's and others, but I believe the Clintons sold their home in advance, knowing that they would not be returning to Arkanasas.
Now that President Obama is a multi-millionaire (he made about 2.7 million last year, it is doubtful that he will return to the south side of Chicago! Maybe they want to guard it so heavily to make it a future tourist attraction. (?)
It is common knowledge; however, that the south side of Chicago is horrendously crime ridden! Ironically, this is where Pres. Obama became a "community organizer."
I'm sure Mary Ellen, who lives in Cook County can share some better insight.
But not to worry about me personally nitpicking! Next week I will be launching a new blog completed devoted to politics and not make any political references at this blog after that point. I realize not everyone is interested in politics! BTW, it will NOT be an Anti-Obama blog. It will cover politics in general.
John- Hi (I knew you would get me with this article! )
Yes, the crime in the City of Chicago has skyrocketed. The amount of shootings...especially involving gangs which are killing innocent kids who just happened to be in the line of fire. With the amount of money being spent on guarding a house that is empty most of the time, just think of the amount of extra police they could have on patrol in those bad areas.
I disagree with kenju...this isn't nitpicking, at least it's not nitpicking to those who live in City of Chicago. It's not nitpicking to the parents of the kids who were just shot at while they stood next to St. Sabina's School Gym (where teens go for a safe place to hang out).
The shooting happened near West 78th Street and South Racine Avenue, outside the church's elementary school gym. The church's address is 1210 W. 78th Pl., with a school and other facilities in the immediate area.
It's not such a "nitpicky" thing to the 9 year old girl who was shot in the leg as she played in her yard.
One of several bullets fired in a burst of violence on the streets of Chicago's South Austin neighborhood Sunday left a 9-year-old limping toward her mother for help.
Renita Williams was in her cousin's backyard in the 1000 block of North Leclaire Avenue eating a hamburger when she heard five or six shots from out front.
Then she heard screams.
When she ran out front, she saw her daughter, Cathy Haywood, coming toward her.
One of several bullets fired in a burst of violence on the streets of Chicago's South Austin neighborhood Sunday left a 9-year-old limping toward her mother for help.
Renita Williams was in her cousin's backyard in the 1000 block of North Leclaire Avenue eating a hamburger when she heard five or six shots from out front.
Then she heard screams.
When she ran out front, she saw her daughter, Cathy Haywood, coming toward her.
"She was trying to limp to me," the 30-year-old mother said. "I knew they were shooting. I heard the shots. I ran to get my child. [But] I still didn't think my child would have been shot."
Is it "nitpicky" when crimes are at an all time high in Chicago, as written about way back in May...and has escalated since?
Young people in Chicago are dying violent deaths at an alarming rate.
So far this school year, at least 36 Chicago Public School students have been killed, most of them victims of gunshots. Scores of other Chicago children and teenagers have been wounded in shootings, and there are concerns that the gun violence could escalate when school is out for the summer in a few weeks.
While urban gun violence in Chicago and other cities is nothing new, there is a growing sense among community leaders that it's now at a crisis level.
"Honestly, I'll admit it, I'm afraid to come to school sometimes," says Clinet Jordan, 18, a senior at Chicago's Simeon Career Academy high school, on the city's South Side.
The City of Chicago has to think about their priorities and if the Federal Government wants to pay for more security for an empty house...let them pay for it, not the taxpayers of Chicago. If we're going to pay taxes, I'd rather pay for extra cops on the streets going after the gangs that are killing innocent kids and terrorizing families so they can't even feel safe sitting in their homes.
But hey...Obama's house is safe...his big, empty mansion is safe and that's all that matters, right?
John, I normally don't get into politics, but I have to on this one.
2.2 million is a lot of money that could be spent on more worthy things. As far as the taxpayers flipping the bill for this is just crazy. I honestly don't know any company that will do that for a CEO. I mean if they want their house protected then let him do it like the rest of us. Call a security company.
Kenju - I really don't see this as "nitpicking" him. The fact is the police officer are meant to be on the streets to protect the people, not protecting an empty house. I bet the moral of the officers in that area is down too. I mean they spend how many weeks in training 8-13 weeks? To what? protect an empty house?
@Mary Ellen, thanks for providing such a detailed comment and backing it up with the news links.
It's been about a year since singer/actress Jennifer Hudson's family was gunned down and I did a blog post back then (search nmy blog with the word Chicago) sharing a news article that said Chicago was the murder capital of America. Since that time, it has only gotten worse.
It would make more sense to beef up the police department, but that costs money.
I also wondered if Chicago's bid the 2016 Summer Olympics plays any part in this. Could it be that the city will do ANYTHING to host the Olympics?
It can't hurt having a sitting president, who is from one of the four finalist cities to use his bullypulpit to try and convince the IOC to name Chicago as the host city.
The host city will be announced on Oct.2, 2009. If Chicago is not named as the host city, I think you will see a big change in how the city spends it's money.
I really didn't think it was nitpicking either. I just thought it was timely, as another example of out of control government spending.
With the federal government now setting the out of control spending example, it's no wonder that some state and local governmental agencies would follow suit.
My Mom always told me that money doesn't grow on trees!
@Allen, thanks for commenting. You bring up some more valid points. It looks like we were writing our comments at the very same time. As I just mentioned, I think there is more to the story. (See my previous comment). I guess we will find out in October if Chicago will continue to spend such a massive amount guarding the hone.
The host city will be announced on Oct.2, 2009. If Chicago is not named as the host city, I think you will see a big change in how the city spends it's money.
I have been against the Olympics being held in Chicago from the very beginning. For one thing, I know that hosting the Olympics is not a money making deal, the taxpayers are usually stuck footing the bill.
Already, Daley has sold off our city piece by piece. The parking meters is one big example of the greed for money that Daley intends to use for the Olympics. He saw some company that would be willing to "buy" our parking meters and jumped at the chance when he saw the $ signs. He got a $1.2 billion parking meter lease deal, and a quarter of that was put in a "rainy day fund" to be used for the Olympics.
I guess bullets raining down on his Chicago constituents means squat to him.
Remember what Daley said when Obama won the Presidency? It went something like this..."This is very good for Chicago! Very Very Good!"
Well, it seems that sticking taxpayers with the cost for Obama's mansion isn't very good.
And think about this...can you imagine how much it will cost of security for the Olympics if it is here, especially during the time that Obama will be sure that he is here to mug for the camera's?
@Mary_Ellen, you mentioned the high cost of security if Obama attends the Olympics, IF it is held in Chicago. Chicago will have to pay for that too most likely...because
yesterday on the local (Springfield) news it was announced about the city budge crunch and city workers losing their jobs. Then the news added that Obama was billed for almost $50,000 for the cost of police overtime, etc when he USED Springfield last August to announce Joe Biden as his running mate. A bill was sent within a month and Spfld. was told to send it to the Secret Service. Then Secret Service told them to bill the Democrat National Committee, and the bill still has not been paid. Sounds like Springfield is getting the runaround!
Any other business would've turned this over to a collection agancy or attorney by now! So that bill goes unpaid, and at the same time city workers are being layed off and having their hours cut.
That's not entirely Obama's fault, but his big unpaid bill has contributed to the budget shortfall of Springfield.
Just a preview of whats to come for Chicago, if the Olympics are held there.
John- I hear ya, believe me! It's a real mess here. Cook County, I believe, has the highest taxes in the U.S. already. And "da mayer" Daley cares about one thing only...the Olympics.
During the Spring thaw when we had potholes the size of cars throughout the city, the only roads that were cared for regularly...pot holes filled and refilled, were the roads that led to Obama's residence from the airport. I'm not kidding...they just told everyone else that they didn't have the money or the man power to fix the rest of the streets in Cook County, but it magically appeared wherever Obama's entourage drove. What a coincidence, eh?
Oh...I forgot to add, all the streets and neighborhoods that the Olympic Committee were touring during the bid...they were also re-paved and looking great.
Everytime Obama comes to this city, it costs us money. I wish he'd park his bony ass in the Oval Office and spend time reading that Health care bill he's trying to ram down our throats. When asked about a provision in it at one of his townhall meetings, he said he was "unaware of that provision" because he hadn't had the time to read it. But he will go on National television and tell us how imperative it is that it is voted into law...NOW!
Mary Ellen, God love you, you've hit the nail on the head! Let Obama keep his bony ass in Washington where he wanted to be so badly and spend time reading that impossible Health care bill he's trying to ram down our throats. He making a change alright and he is throwing our society into debt from which we, or more specifically, our children will never recover.
He can get a security system installed in that house like any other citizen would have to do. Stop kissing it, Chicago! Put the police where they need to be, on the streets protecting the innocent!!!
@Maggie, thanks for adding your comment. What a good idea you have!
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