A couple of days ago I added the Visitors Flag Counter widget to the very lower left portion of my blog. I only wish I would've added it sooner! Every time I see a new flag show up, it makes me proud and feel like I am a small part of the international community of bloggers. Unfortunately, the statistics listed are only from the last few days and not part of my complete visitor history. If you've considered adding it, my advice is to add it sooner rather than later!

No flag counter showing at all.Am I doing something wrong AGAIN?
@Yvette Kelly, it's there! Scroll all the way down and look on the LEFT side, it's not very big.
Hey great idea. I went to the website and added it my self. I like it. Thanks for the website and the info on it. =o)
@Allen, you're welcome, and I'm glad you like it!
I,m first from MALAYSIA, so, you get MALAYSIA flag ...
my flag counter = 71 Glag, target 100 flag ...
anyway, nice to meet your blog
@syiling, Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. I'm happy to see the Malaysian flag now on my flag counter! I checked out your blog an wow the flag counter is neat as it grows--very pretty on your blog.
hey john,
man i really like this post. you actually describing flag counter its unique.. i really like your concept..
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