Video: Captive soldier fears he won't get home - Yahoo! News

WASHINGTON – The American soldier who went missing June 30 from his base in eastern Afghanistan and was later confirmed to have been captured, said in a video posted by the Taliban that he's "scared I won't be able to go home."
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This is every parent or loved one's nightmare when their kids are in the Service. It' a relief to know they are still alive, and don't know what they are going through, are they being tortured or if they will die a horrible death such as beheading.
My prayers are with him and his family.
@Mary_Ellen, I don't know what to say, except you're right, it's every parent's worse nightmare.
The Taliban wants us out of there and for us to release prisoners from Guantanamo, and of course a heft ransom.
I once had hopes that when Obama got elected our troops would come home. Now I am of course disappointed to say the least.
I hope that Pvt. Bowe (Bo) from Idaho gets released or rescued ASAP.
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