I've been up in the Sears Tower, but I will pass on this.
As President George H. W. Bush would say (make that comedian Dana Carvey), "Naht' gonna do it, Naht' gawn do it...wouldn't be prudent, at this juncture!"

a·buzz: [uh-buhz]– full of or alive with activity, talk, etc
Yeah, I'm not so sure I could do that either. I don't handle heights too well. When I visit Chicago, plan something else for us to do. haha
I might be able to do that, like the glass platform over the Grand Canyon. I would do that one if it didn't cost so darn much.
@Michael_Rivers, you can still go up to the Observatory in the Sears Tower and skip the "ledge" part! You will find plenty of other things to do in Chicago though!
@kenju, You're so brave...I heard on the news tonight that the glass bottom floor is 1.5" thick--that is all, OMG! And you're right about that Grand Canyon ledge, it costs well over $50+ ...I'll just settle for the free views at the Grand Canyon!
Nope. I'll pass too. My heart started racing just watching it. I have height phobia.
@Rae, You are not alone, my friend!
wow..its beautiful view..but you must be careful with the heights
@endo, I would be careful alright...I wouldn't go on that ledge! They still have the regular observatory and that's good enough for me!
I'm with ya on that, kiddo! I'm not a big fan of heights. I can handle going up on a ladder and can even tolerate a few roller coaster rides, but standing in a glass case a zillion stories in the sky? Not a chance.
I used to work in a building that was across the street from the Sears Tower when it was being built. On more than one occasion, tools (such as hammers) glass, and other things came flying down from the tower as they were building it. Needless to say, a few cars parked in the street had some major damage. Luckily, it never happened during the work hours or there would have been at the very least some major injuries and most likely deaths. I hated walking from the bus to my office every morning. Walking to the bus after work didn't bother me, I was too tired to care. ;-)
@Mary Ellen, Believe me, I know what you mean! Your out of town guests will be on their own for that site seeing tour, huh! I don't blame you. When I lived up there, every time I had company, I took them to the Sears Tower. I'm so glad they didn't have that glass ledge back then.
Wow, that would be scary walking near the tower as it was being built and tools were falling off--yikes! And after work, you were too tired to care LOL!
I wouldn't go there either.
@libhom, hello! Glad I'm not the only one!
I don't like high place brother :(
@another blogger, you are not alone!
@TC, eeek it's a glass box built on to the side of the observation deck! That's too much of a challenge for me. I did see on the news a couple of little boys layed down on their bellies in that thing! Brave kids!
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